Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chicken Update

The chickens are like real grown up chickens now. They no longer have a lamp on at night, they have a ladder so they can walk in and out of their house (although Peck hasn't quite figured it out - she walks down the ladder backwards) and they spend most of the day outside pecking around in their coop.They are still locked into their house at night - this will be the case for ever as we don't want raccoons or other creatures making nocturnal visits.
What's wrong with this picture?

Evan & Lucy

Funny chickens

Lucy at the chicken swap
Lucy's friend Evan came for a visit and they spent a lot of time wrangling the chickens. At one point Lucy and Evan were inside the chicken house and the three chickens were outside. Hmm...          

After brunch on Easter Sunday, we all went to a chicken swap in Metchosin. We got there near the end of the swap but there were still lots of chickens to see. Lucy made a beeline to the crate with all the baby chicks - there was some pleading regarding bringing one home but that didn't happen. We did almost come home with a 3 month old Silkie chicken but we were told that our bigger Wyandottes and Brahma would most definitely pick/peck on the Silkie.                        

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Watch Your Daughters

A friend sent me this picture - love it. I hope the chickens don't peer pressure the girls to start smoking. Although Clementine is kind of a bully...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Big News in the Chicken World

Tofu ate her first worm and we got to see the whole thing go down. The three chickens were pecking around in the grass (their favourite thing to do) when all of a sudden Tofu lifted her head high in the air with a 10 cm (it was really big) worm dangling from her mouth. She then proceeded to run around the yard (kind of like a chicken with her head chopped off) not really knowing what to do with herself. Clementine and Peck chased after her - not sure if they knew what was going on but they didn't want to miss out. After running around for a bit, Tofu stopped and proceeded to gulp down the worm. I think she was pretty pleased with herself - Lucy and I were a little grossed out.

I think hunting/eating worms helps keep their stress levels down.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Chicken Charmer

The chickens love Lucy and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. I often catch Lucy holding one of the chicks lovingly petting them and giving them little kisses. Our time outside mostly consists of Lucy holding and moving the chickens around. They don't seem to mind at all and in fact, they now run to Lucy when she calls them.

Chicken bum
Proof that I now hold the chickens. Also, you can see Tofu's feathery feet.
The Chicken Charmer - Lucy has discovered that if she holds the chickens one-handed on their sides they stay very still. They really seem to like her.

Chicken close-ups

Tofu expressing her concern about being in a apple tree

chicken chillin

beautiful chicken

Things to do with chickens

Put them in the apple tree

Let your dog take a chicken for a ride

Play chicken hide and seek