Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Outside Chickens

Other than their plane trip from Iowa, the chickens have never really spent any time outside. That changed this past weekend. Brad and the girls took the chickens outside so they could inspect their new home. They seemed to like it. They pecked and walked around (although they do this in their current box) and even jumped into one of the nesting boxes.

I'm really ready to no longer have chickens living in the house. They don't smell (as long as their box is cleaned out regularly - which Brad does) but they are getting louder and they move around a lot more. The try to fly out of the box which kind of makes the girls (and maybe me) and little skittish around them. They also kick their food dish over and scratch the wood shavings into the water dish. Typical teenage chicken behaviour I would think. The move is going to happen very soon - stay tuned.

Chicken stare-down
Fighting for the best nesting box (Not really. They were probably huddling together to stay warm)
Tofu checking out the play house

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